Celebrating this
And just taking a break from things, I am back in action.
I'll start posting soon with a little bit of what I've been up to in the design world!
Celebrating this
And just taking a break from things, I am back in action.
I'll start posting soon with a little bit of what I've been up to in the design world!
(please excuse the mattress on the floor. i am almost finished refinishing our now converted (from a queen to king) head board)
**It does look completely ridiculous when you have a STUMP in the back seat of your car when taking your bestie to the airport. AND, the hubs just sighs when I call to say that their might be a tree STUMP in the back seat of the car. But, it is so worth it.**
I saw these STUMPs in different catalogues. Don't buy these babies, go get em from the curb! Just wait until beloved bulk trash day and you will have tons of options....ahhhh bulk trash day.....
And as a side note, lift with yo back not yo knees (i just looked up a link to put here with the "you can do it put your back into it" song. not appropriate. just sing the appropriate version in your head here. and don't stop get it get it until you finish singing the whooooole song:))
Good luck finding creative solutions to the areas that STUMP you in your home.
Lulu is one of my dearest friends from long, long ago! She was my first friend when I moved to Tyler. This sweet girl who was willing to be friends with a dorky girl from Plano sure allowed me many fun memories. She is expecting her first sweet boy this October. (And as a side note, Walker is her maiden name and will now be the first name of her first born boy-can't get any cuter!)
Here is the $30 Craig's List treasure BEFORE:
And the changing table/dresser for baby Walker AFTER:
Now we just have to wait on the sweet boy to get here!
Happy Tuesday!
This week I got to work on a room for Katie. Katie is 7 and is getting a new room! Her mom painted the room yellow, bought new bedding, and hung a few shelves. She wanted me to paint something in Katie's room. When I met with her she said that she wanted something small but significant. I thought that was a great way to put it. I have done several of these name/monogram with painted detail lately. It is a really great way to add a significant, special touch to a room, without investing in the entire room. Here you have it.
Katie's yellow room, new bedding and shelves before we add in the hand painting.
Did you guys grow up eating family dinner around the table? We sure did. It was very rare for us to eat out, and the phone and television definitely did not make an appearance during dinner time. We had some good conversations, memories (and maybe a couple of throw downs) growing up eating around the dinner table.
The table below belonged to my client's grand parents. It is an old farm table that I guarantee is FULL of memories. Projects like this are inspiring. It is cool to see an old piece transform, instead of dying out. AND, it reminds me to get my buns in the kitchen so that we can enjoy a good meal together!
Shrimp (or scrimp as some call it) Scampi
1 t minced garlic
l t olive oil
1/2 t oregano, 1/4 t salt, 1/4 t pepper
1/2 lb fresh peeled shrimp
1/4 c white cooking wine,
1 t cornstarch,
2 c cooked linguini
saute garlic in olive oil for 1 min over medium heat. add shrimp, oregano, salt and pepper and saute 4 min. reduce heat to simmer. combine wine, cornstarch and add to shrimp. simmer until sauce thickens. divide shrimp and sauce into two portions and serve each over 1 cup pasta.
No pictures of the meal, just the mouth of approval!
Have a good one!
Okay, no grief for the pictures below. I haven't had a chance to professionally shoot them, yet. This dresser cost $50 at Good Will. The baby's name wasn't decided at the time. Now that MARY CLAIRE (preshy name!) is here, her monogram will be added to the top. I also installed this hardware on all of the drawer fronts. Her momma put a changing pad on the top of the dresser so that it can double as a changing table in the mean time.
I accidentally left out this fire place. She was SO fun towork on. I even got to incorporate copper leafing. Oh how I love you gold, silver and copper leafing!
This is the fire place from the adjacent room. It is what the fireplace below looked like before I gave it some love. It is obviously a different piece, this is just what the stone looked like before.
Happy 4th again!