Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tea Anyone?

problem:little girl needs a spot to have tea with her friends
solution: hand painted tea table and chairs

apparently, as a little girl, i had many a tea party. my mom even let me use real water in my tea set...she was SO cool. don't underestimate the power of a tea party. you learn how to talk with your friends at the table...even if your friends are stuffed bears. you learn how to serve others...tea and cookies of course. and, you learn how to sit like a your chair with your legs under the table.

here is ainsley's tea table, minus one chair and the porcelain tea set with her name on it, that now sits on the table.
see that little swatch of fabric in the background of the picture below? that is her drapery fabric, and was the jumping off point for the hand painting on her tea table.
 we went for a painterly, watercolor look as opposed to a modern, clean line look...

 for me, the glaze makes this table. it adds sophistication and softens all of the colors. more on that in friday's post...
hope you have tea with someone special this week! i bet ainsley will.
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